The Republican National Convention last week was masterfully done. Many of the conservative platitudes and qualifications of candidate, Romney, were brought forth by other speakers that went before him, allowing for Romney to talk about higher ideals, more encompassing, that will help our nation. It was sermon-like, in the tradition of Ronald Reagan. It went above the political process. And that is what we need from a leader, it is refreshing.
Ann Romney, in her speech, also talked more about her heart and her husband's heart than policy. She said in her introduction that she wanted to talk about "Love."
Both speeches had the theme of love all through it. Here is an excerpt that I loved the most, from Mitt Romney:
Ann Romney, in her speech, also talked more about her heart and her husband's heart than policy. She said in her introduction that she wanted to talk about "Love."
Both speeches had the theme of love all through it. Here is an excerpt that I loved the most, from Mitt Romney:
Unconditional love is a gift that Ann and I have tried to pass on to our sons and now to our grandchildren. All the laws and legislation in the world will never heal this world like the loving hearts and arms of mothers and fathers. If every child could drift to sleep feeling wrapped in the love of their family – and God’s love — this world would be a far more gentle and better place.
I know there are speech writers, and it is still politics, but there was a genuineness of their speeches and the message resonated with me, and it wasn't just talk.
Full text of Mitt Romney's speech here. I have it embedded video at bottom of this blog.
Our country is on the precipice economically. We need an economic plan for recovery. We want details. According to the conservative media pundits, Romney was expected to talk about the benefits of Capitalism, teach on that, so success is not seen as "bad," and also, to talk about what he'll do as President. But he talked a lot about love, not at all what I was expecting but I've been thinking about it.
Here is why I think weaving the theme of love into the speeches was brilliant, and coincides with my Christian Worldview. In talking about love, he is talking about the value of the Individual, and the value we place on them, because God does. This isn't the love we have for politicians, or what government can do for us, as politicians are always promising what they can do for us to get our vote. Some of us understand what that road leads to by now. If we are going to replace government subsidies (that is making our country go broke) with charitable freewill giving (monetary and otherwise), what will that require? It will require love. I believe this love comes from above, and for the believer, is proof of what we say we believe. The Good Samaritan loved his neighbor and he took a personal interest in a stranger. It wasn't Government. The Pharisee, like the government, didn't really care, and just walked on by. That is what our healthcare system needs. It does involve personal, freewill monetary giving, effort and discretion alongside the competent healers who will get paid.
If it is the government's job to take care of orphans, then orphanages will overflow and we know they will not develop right, even though we need to be thankful for the orphanages (just not like a loving family). Caring for the elderly is not the government's job, it is family or community. We need love to keep families together, where wives and husbands are loving each other in spite of their faults.
The message of love shown by individuals is a joyful and hopeful one, and in contrast to a message that says government will solve all your problems where love is disconnected. Government, when they redistribute wealth, doesn't give you a choice on giving and how much. They give without enough discretion and oversight (or love!). So, when we pay our taxes, it isn't a joy and we're not convinced the money will be used wisely or fairly. It really robs the tax payer of the joy and blessing of giving. I know the argument is that we don't give like we should, so therefore, government has to force it out of us to take care of the needy. But I'm not going to make this blog too long and address that. But I look to what is government's proper role to answer that, and that would be a subject of another blog.
My main voting issue now is the Pro Life agenda, every life is precious and every person is created in God's image. (I don't want to make anyone feel condemned if that was their past, if they had or paid for abortion, because there is forgiveness at the Cross.) Romney, talking about his love and heart for children also touched on his Pro Life agenda. I believe part of the role of the "strong" is to defend the "weak." These children need an advocate, both the born and the unborn.
As a side note, I was also pleased the Republican party included minorities, not as a token, but they are very much apart of the success stories of America. Our nation was founded by immigrants, so Latinos, African Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc., have equal opportunities and their origin, color of their skin really becomes a non-issue.
I wish the Republican candidate was a born again Christian, but what is more important to the job he is running for is not what or who he's trusting in to get to heaven (as important as that is for his own soul that he trust in Jesus Christ alone). But how he will govern and his leadership of our country is how I'll vote. We're only given 2 candidates at this juncture. Obama claims to be a Christian and yet he has stopped legislature 3 times in passing a bill that would halt doctors from killing babies born who can live outside the womb. Even for Pro-Choice people, this is indefensible.
Romney could be a good actor with a great speech, however, he has an impressive past of charitable service and giving to match his rhetoric. He has lived it out. I'n not going to go into every vote or appointment but I can still generalize based on his history, and people grow and modify positions.
He also has shown himself to be a competent businessman and governor who can help our country balance the budget. I see our economic issue as a moral issue, and having a heart to do good and integrity is what we need. The overspending of our nation is a moral issue.
I am not voting for Romney be my pastor, or Bible Study teacher. God in His common grace allows many from all religious beliefs to demonstrate His caring love, and become very competent individuals, because we are created in His image. This is why I have no problem voting for a Mormon. He understands how important Individuals are, and his message of Love is a message that we all need to hear, and he is the best man for the job who understands many things from his experience.
If it is the government's job to take care of orphans, then orphanages will overflow and we know they will not develop right, even though we need to be thankful for the orphanages (just not like a loving family). Caring for the elderly is not the government's job, it is family or community. We need love to keep families together, where wives and husbands are loving each other in spite of their faults.
The message of love shown by individuals is a joyful and hopeful one, and in contrast to a message that says government will solve all your problems where love is disconnected. Government, when they redistribute wealth, doesn't give you a choice on giving and how much. They give without enough discretion and oversight (or love!). So, when we pay our taxes, it isn't a joy and we're not convinced the money will be used wisely or fairly. It really robs the tax payer of the joy and blessing of giving. I know the argument is that we don't give like we should, so therefore, government has to force it out of us to take care of the needy. But I'm not going to make this blog too long and address that. But I look to what is government's proper role to answer that, and that would be a subject of another blog.
My main voting issue now is the Pro Life agenda, every life is precious and every person is created in God's image. (I don't want to make anyone feel condemned if that was their past, if they had or paid for abortion, because there is forgiveness at the Cross.) Romney, talking about his love and heart for children also touched on his Pro Life agenda. I believe part of the role of the "strong" is to defend the "weak." These children need an advocate, both the born and the unborn.
As a side note, I was also pleased the Republican party included minorities, not as a token, but they are very much apart of the success stories of America. Our nation was founded by immigrants, so Latinos, African Americans, Asians, Europeans, etc., have equal opportunities and their origin, color of their skin really becomes a non-issue.
I wish the Republican candidate was a born again Christian, but what is more important to the job he is running for is not what or who he's trusting in to get to heaven (as important as that is for his own soul that he trust in Jesus Christ alone). But how he will govern and his leadership of our country is how I'll vote. We're only given 2 candidates at this juncture. Obama claims to be a Christian and yet he has stopped legislature 3 times in passing a bill that would halt doctors from killing babies born who can live outside the womb. Even for Pro-Choice people, this is indefensible.
Romney could be a good actor with a great speech, however, he has an impressive past of charitable service and giving to match his rhetoric. He has lived it out. I'n not going to go into every vote or appointment but I can still generalize based on his history, and people grow and modify positions.
He also has shown himself to be a competent businessman and governor who can help our country balance the budget. I see our economic issue as a moral issue, and having a heart to do good and integrity is what we need. The overspending of our nation is a moral issue.
I am not voting for Romney be my pastor, or Bible Study teacher. God in His common grace allows many from all religious beliefs to demonstrate His caring love, and become very competent individuals, because we are created in His image. This is why I have no problem voting for a Mormon. He understands how important Individuals are, and his message of Love is a message that we all need to hear, and he is the best man for the job who understands many things from his experience.
I think the economic plan, and all aspects of government, have to start somewhere, and if we don't have that love, I think we will bear the consequences of a repressive government. More than ever, we need God.