Jane Austin Template

"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

why I wanted to start a blog

I really didn't start blogging until Facebook came along.  The term "blog" sounds like a combination of "bog" and "bla", doesn't sound very good.  I wondered if it is a little presumptuous to think someone will be interested in all my thoughts and opinion.  But more and more I see it as a way to share ideas, encourage one another.   But I'm not sure that many people will read this blog, and that's OK.  Maybe it will just be fun to journal.  But I intend the purpose of this blog to reflect our hearts for Christ, hence the title.  I hope that my blogs are centered around our Resting Place, that is Christ, and He is our guest in our home.

I'm not sure if this encouraged me or not, but...we are reading a book by Jonathan Edwards.  I learned how he categorized all the topics he studied and numbered them chronologically, and then alphabetically.  It was a primitive blog to keep up with all his thoughts.  I'm sure we won't be as profound, but if Edwards did it...

Oh, and we're adopting again!  And have been meaning to post about that.  This way folks can keep up with how that is progressing.  That will probably be one of my next posts. 

I just asked Chris if he wanted to share it with me.  He said he liked the idea.  I hope I didn't pick too feminine of a design (just changed design from a quilt to books :O)


  1. Is this Chris and Cassie Bayack? This is Kelly Webster. Found your post on Stuart and Jennifer's blog about their adoption of their two daughters from the Congo. They are folks that we know from Sacramento (where we are living currently).

  2. Ok, I just followed your gallery photostream to Picasa and saw that it was you!! What a small world. So excited to hear that you guys are adopting again. We may adopt again as well; possibly through the Congo if everything works out for Stuart and Jennifer and some other friends of ours that are adopting from there.

    We're also thinking of moving back to TX soon. We're probably going to plant ourselves in Dallas back at Countryside Bible Church. Jason has some recruiters looking for a job for him in the accounting field.

    Incidentally, I have also been meaning to tell you that we have another connection. We have some very close friends in Dharan, Saudi Arabia; there names are Pete and Jennifer Crisi. I believe that Chris applied for a job out there a while back. They come out and went to the wine country with us last year and mentioned that they were looking for a new pastor and told us about some of their candidates and lo and behold Chris's name came up. That was a weird moment. :) It's so strange how the Christian world is connected. It still amazes me.

    Much love to you guys.

  3. Kelly~ I thought I posted a comment. That was strange. Maybe I did something wrong. This is new. What I said in my other reply was: happy for you adopting (and Louks) from the Congo. I sure hope this experiment works out. I understand they are the first family from this orphanage. It sounds really great.

    We were really disappointed when the Dharan opportunity didn't work out. What a small world!

    Don't you have a blog? let me know what it is. thanks :O) Want to keep track of you! Glad you're moving back to TX. I didn't know you all left TN. Life is an adventure! We keep in touch with Rob and Amy Gomez, since Amy's father passed away. He lead my grandfather to the Lord in San Antonio.

    My blog is brand new, I'm surprised you found it b/c I hadn't published it, but I guess it shows up under my name when I post a comment. I'm hoping Chris will blog. He is such a good writer.

    Thanks for replying!

  4. Cassie, I guess I didn't remember that you knew Rob and Amy Gomez too. I just love the connections that I see on facebook. It is so strange how we are connected to some of the same people. Jennifer Loucks and I are connected to several different people from different arenas of my life (i.e. you guys, a friend from grade school named Aileen Lesaca and then a friend from Grace named Cherie Baker Vann).

    We are definitely going to wait until we see how the adoptions for our friends go before we pursue the Congo. As you know it is expensive to adopt and if you go internationally and then lose money you don't get it back from the government (incidentally, if you adopt domestically and your attempt fails then you still get your adoption credit from the government). We prefer domestic adoption for this reason and several others, however, I love that the adoptions are going quickly in the Congo (at least it appears that way).

    I was sad to hear that Chris didn't get the position in Dharan. I thought that might be a disappointment. What are you guys doing these days? What is Chris doing for work currently? I saw some photos on your blog from a company called Mattress Firm. Is this his company?

    I used to have a public blog but now I have a private blog. I am happy to give you access to it if you would like to read it. I can only have 100 people viewing it so I'm happy to put you on the list or readers if you think that you will read it. I do have another blog that is public that is a couponing blog. It can be found here:


    We left TN last year although we weren't planning on ever moving from that wonderful state. We had some complications arise in our lives that I will have to tell you about when we see you again. They are just too personal to go into on a blog. :)

    I did find your blog through the comment that you left on the Stuart's blog. It is linked to your name when you leave a comment (unless you "block it out" which is what you will find if you click on my name on their blog).

    Have a great day Cassie. Much love to you guys!

  5. Chris is working in retail at Mattress Firm. He started that a while back, when he was doing a church plant. Then when the church plant didn't hold up, it was a great job to fall back on. He's doing very well there, with ups and downs in sales, as you'd expect, makes it tough sometimes, but hopes to get back into FT ministry.

    glad to see you coupon. I do too, but not sure I'm qualified as "advanced" But I'm baby steppin'. It seems to take a long time to scan all the deals out there. Nice to have a local blog to alert folks.

    I know trials can be tough, but it always keeps us drawing near to our Savior and reminded that His love sustains us, not we ourselves. But I have no idea what your trials were, that's OK. It is like the answer is simple and yet so perfect with any trial. And we see His glory and we're changed.

    Great to see your children growing in the picks. You and Jason look the same! Tell him hello for us.

    Cassie :O)

  6. If you put the coupon blogs/websites into your reader it's much easier to scan the deals quickly.

    Let me know if you would like access to our private blog. We had to move to a private blog because of some complications with our adoptions last year (hence, the reason for our move). :)

  7. I would love to be added to your blog and keep up with your adoption, if you proceed, and other stuff thanks. :O)
