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"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2 Field Trips Enjoying Nature

Here are just a few photos (slideshow) and a few videos from a few trips we made beginning of May. 

The slideshow is from 2 trips:  1) Butterfly Museum, part of the Houston Museum of Natural Science.  2) trip with Cub Scout den, to the Edith Moore Sanctuary, it is situated in a neighborhood subdivision along Rummel Creek that feeds into Buffalo Bayou, just off Memorial Drive in Houston.   This was Anton's first year in Scouts as a Wolf.  We have made some great friendships and appreciate the Den leaders so much.

The next video clips are just from the Butterfly Museum (obviously :O)
Anton pretending he's a bee

Beautiful flying butterflies all around & waterfall

more butterfiles

Anton playing with butterfiles

inspecting the bees making honey

butterfly nursery

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