Jane Austin Template

"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Physical Activity Really Helps Them Learn and Grow!

This is going to be a quick post, because if you have all the adoption books, you already heard this.  But I wanted to say, "it is true."  Physical activity, including sunshine, really helps these kids learn and grow.  It's not like I didn't believe that before, but I've really seen a big growth spurt in Anton.

In case you haven't read it, there are numerous studies out there, that physical activity, large motor skill development, helps them read!  There is something about the brain development, as the brain develops those connections in learning how to do a skill, the increase in skill also crosses over to ability to read.  Amazing!  

Not to mention the Vitamin D their bodies make from the sunshine, something very much deprived when kids are in orphanages.   (we supplemented also, but they say sunshine is better than supplement, again, no surprise there).

As I've mentioned before, we homeschool.  In my mind at times, even though I knew the benefits of getting outdoors, I was still trying to battle the disciplines of Homeschooling, and getting through to what I had planned for the day (boy, that could be another blog topic).  But I tend to think of sports as competing with Homeschool lessons, when in reality, I should see them as all connected and not separate.  It is easy to see that when Anton has more playtime (not just playtime in the house), but working with a skill, like kicking a ball, throwing a ball, etc., he grows in many ways.  He gets an increased appetite but also I can see his mind grow as evidenced when we sit down and work on a lesson.  I think it also helps him get that energy out.  When the body is resting from activity, maybe that helps him devote his energy to his mind??  just wondering.

So, just want to encourage my friends who have young kids, not even from hard backgrounds, to get out there and get some sunshine and throw a ball, roll a ball, run, skip, ride scooter, a bike, you name it.  Join a sports team?  Include that as part of their education too.  

Since Anton has been riding a bike, a little over a month, his appetite has really grown and he is catching up on some phonics and math lessons I wanted him to master a long time ago.

There are other things, like music, and building toys, but I just wanted to plug physical activity.  On my "to do" list for Anton is piano lessons, after we get this second adoption completed.  


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