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"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Saturday, March 30, 2013

We got more pictures today...

...and they look like so much fun, and you can see their personalities.  They are drawing pictures, jumping, laughing, major cuteness. I wasn't expecting more information this quickly.  They are so beautiful.

I'm still waiting get more information and then we'll have a phone call with our pediatrician and make a decision. We are so excited, but still cautioning ourselves because like I've mentioned before, things have looked fine to us in the past, but then to find an expert say that they are actually high risk within the parameters we have set forth for our family. But the thing about older children, the more they grow, the more doctors can see their trajectory.  So, we're optimistic.  Just waiting and trying to be patient.  It is good to keep busy.

We won't have a travel date, of course, until we officially accept the referral, but we are still checking fares.  We got word that should we accept the referral, the team in Bulgaria is filling up fast, so, I am hoping that we can travel before June (that seems so far away).

On a side note, my heart breaks for those children with severe needs.  There are not enough parents to adopt them.  My hearts breaks for these precious ones trapped in bodies that don't work right.  It causes me to think of Romans 8:
18For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

Pray whoever reads my blog will find this Friday "good" as we remember what Christ did for us on the Cross; God Himself in human flesh died for our sins.  Would not our world be snuffed out if not for His grace?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Heard back from pediatrician

I kinda expected this...they want more pictures and more information.   They see encouraging things but they want to have a better understanding.  I don't want to write anything else because that would be revealing too much of their medical history.  But they are wise doctors.  So, trusting God will guide.  I was already looking at airfares and talking about a good time to go, and will still do so preparing for good news.

For those who may not understand, when you adopt internationally, the parents fill out a Special Needs form, this form has all the conditions you can accept as a family. I've posted about this before.   Chris and I prayerfully went over this form, and also with an International Pediatrician and we discussed what each condition would mean as far as what the child would need from us.  It was a very difficult form to fill out.

We actually filled out this form twice.  (The 2nd time was when we hired a pediatrician.).  I was amazed at how the form changed from the 1st one to the 2nd one.   Some things we had as yes, we put no.  and vice versa.  It is so good to know.

it is very common for adoptive parents to ask for more information from the country, once a family gets a referral and after discussing what is given with a pediatrician.  As we wait for more information on these girls, I'm envisioning myself having a lot of fun with these girls and mothering them, but I'm guarded as we follow the information gathering process.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

International pediatrician reviewing our girls

Did I just say "ours." ???  I hope that was prophetic!  But as I mentioned before, I'm guarded until I get a green light from pediatrician, and then, a travel date. But I adore our doctors.  They love children, and adoption, and they are so compassionate.  I think it is good to be guarded but I can still dream!  We should hear back Wednesday, as in tomorrow, but I'm guessing.

Our agency emailed and said that should we accept, to shoot for a travel date in May, since they celebrate Easter on the Orthodox calendar in 2nd half of April.  That seems so far away.

Just wanted to update for the 3 people who are viewing my blog.

Speaking of blogs... my hubby has started a blog.  He's writing devotionals on the Passion Week of Christ.

www.psalm65-4.blogspot.com.    May Christ and what He did on the Cross be real to you.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let's Go Fly a Kite

I often sit and wish that I 
Could be a kite up in the sky,
And ride upon the wind and go 
Whichever way I chanced to blow.
(author unknown)

We flew a kite last week.  Anton and I both were both getting over colds, so this was the first day out for us in a while.

The wind and weather was perfect! not too windy. Anton loved it. There is nothing like holding a kite and feeling the power of the wind. I just imagine that if I was light enough it would carry me away. I remember when I was young laying down in soft clovers and just holding on to the kite as it was pulled by the wind.

I reminded Anton about a conversation Jesus had with one of the Pharisees, and he talked about the wind, how you can't see it, but you know it is there.
John 3:  7"Do not be amazed that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' 8"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."
This verse is a great reminder of how God is in control of everything.  We have no control over the wind, just as only He is in control over our all events and destinies.

The Wind
by Robert Louis Stevenson\

 I saw you toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky;
And all around I heard you pass,
Like ladies' skirts across the grass--
     O wind, a-blowing all day long,
     O wind, that sings so loud a song!

I saw the different things you did,
But always you yourself you hid.
I felt you push, I heard you call,
I could not see yourself at all--
     O wind, a-blowing all day long,
     O wind, that sings so loud a song!

O you that are so strong and cold,
O blower, are you young or old?
Are you a beast of field and tree,
Or just a stronger child than me?
     O wind, a-blowing all day long,
     O wind, that sings so loud a song!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Referral Time!

We got a call today, that the Ministry of Justice has matched us up with 2 precious little girls, ages 7 and 5.  We are very excited but from our recent experience, we have been trained to be sober about this, but nevertheless, all this is sinking in.  But we don't see any problems at this point..  They look very healthy and by all reports they are.

We have contacted our international pediatrician and hope to hear back soon.  Once we talk to them and have any of their concerns cleared up we hope to visit as soon as possible.

We just might be a 3-kid family this year!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A fun and spontaneous "business" trip to Orlando

I'm overdue in blogging.  And I have neglected to write about a trip we took beginning of February.  It was a company meeting for Chris' work, and Anton and I got to tag along!

I'm so proud of Chris.  He hit his budget for year-end 2012.  It is almost always a nail-biter toward the fiscal year end (that ends in January, not sure why it isn't December, but that's the way it is).  But he (or I should say, God!) always pulls through.  What that means for us, is, Chris is recognized and honored by the company (isn't it nice to be appreciated?) at an almost immediate corporate wide business meeting, wives invited; and he wins a nice vacation trip like I've posted about before on this blog.

This corporate meeting was almost immediately after he knew he hit his goal.  But it was in Orlando!  I think it must be the Theme Park capital of the world.  We smelled a possible family vacation, should we dare. We had a few days to decide and crazy us, we decided to make a spontaneous family trip.  Yes, even though we just got back from our other trip, and I was getting over an illness, putting up the Christmas decor, and we need to focus on other things like preparing our home for adoption...  But we figured, if the company is going to pay for 2 plane tickets, they'd agree to give us reimbursement for car mileage instead, and that would offset much of the cost we'd incur.  It was a good decision!  And as far as homeschool goes, we always make time for school along the way, reviewing Math facts and History books.

I've never been to Disneyworld, or Orlando, Florida.  I've been to Disneyland in California.  (That was our first date.)   But of course, we were thinking of blessing Anton with this wonderful experience.

Another important thing happening during this same time, is that we were reviewing a possible child on the Special Needs list from Bulgaria.  And we were talking to our international pediatrician during the trip to find out if he was a good match.  We did not know until about a week after we returned that this sweet child would not be right for our family due to the severity of his needs.  So, that was something else that was going on recently that I haven't blogged about.  (I have learned to not tell too many people too many details when we don't know, so that is another reason I didn't post about it).  But my heart was full during this whole trip of wondering if God was going to bless us with a sweet child.  I hope he gets adopted soon.

So, here are some pictures and a description of our quick trip.  We drove down there (a pretty long drive!)

got to work on the blanket

and spent one day at Magic Kingdom, that evening we had a nice dinner at this restaurant called, T-Rex (owner's of The Rainforest Cafe, if you're familiar with that chain). We discovered "Downtown Disney." which is an area with a lot of restaurants and night activities.

Anton learning to drive

The Jungle Boat ride.  This was one of my favorites. 

A little story about this restaurant...they have a sand pit where you can dig for these fake dinosaur bones for the kids.  Waiting in line at hostess station, Anton asks, "Can I, can I, can I play there?"  I said "yes."  But as soon as the hostess walked us down for our table he made a bee line for the sand pit and I didn't see him.  He didn't even want to find out where we were going to sit.  He didn't understand, also, that he is not supposed to play there without a parent watching anyways.  But because he was so excited he decided he'd just go there immediately.  I turned around to see if everyone was following me and the hostess to the table, and where was Anton?  I freaked and frantically started looking towards the hostess station and outside (and there were a lot of people there).  Then I thought about the sand pit and, sure enough, there he was just happy as a clam digging for bones.  Anyways, I fussed at him, and being so tired, there were tears.  But we got over it pretty quickly.  

The next day Chris had his meeting and we moved our stuff to a very nice hotel that looked like Italy!  It was a sight to behold.  Chris' meeting was at Hard Rock Cafe, at their little concert room (Anton and I walked around this place called, City Walk, at Universal Studios and had dinner there.)   It was really a nice set-up, we took a boat taxi from the hotel to City Walk.  You could drive there but it is fun to take the water taxi that runs every 15 minutes.

the Loews Portofino Hotel, Orlando, FL (near City Walk).  it seems like a painting, doesn't it?

a view from our fancy hotel room

 just a photo op around the property of the Portofino Hotel.

this pool was awesome.  it had a sand beach, and a tunnel to swim under, waterfall.

 Anton and I have a date

 walking around City Walk, having fun

 we have to work on his form

The next day we did a little more exploring around Disney before we headed back.
at the Kona Cafe at The Polynesian Disney Resort.  I love these boys!

That is Mickey Mouse ravioli.  Don't ask me how much we spent on "just OK" food..  It's too late.

at a gift shop at The Contemporary Resort

 Monorail!  We toured around all the different Disney resorts.

This is one of the Disney Resorts, I think it is called The Floridian.

On our way back, we stopped of at Destin Beach (actually Ft. Walton) and that was probably the smartest thing we did.  (I think I prefer a beach vacation anyways :O)  The weather was beautiful the next morning and we got to enjoy the beach until time to head out towards home.

In summary, I did not leave my heart in Orlando, but maybe at the Portofino Hotel!.  I think in hindsight, we should have visited Epcot Center.  I much prefer a vacation where we can enjoy God's creation, or experience culture, and where not every experience is charged for, and overpriced too.   But we have been to Disneyworld.  We can say that now.  

But all in all a great family time.