Jane Austin Template

"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 4: Rainy Sunday with a sick girl. :(

I wake up every AM at 3 AM.  Bobbie came into room in tears.  She said she wasn't feeling good.  Then she ran to the bathroom and threw up.  She did this 3 more times.  We were going to join Ullriches at their church but God had different plans for us. 

Later on she felt better. We went out for pizza (the plan was for Bobbie to just eat white bread. But she wanted pizza and I thought it was OK).

Later on they showed me their Bulgarian dances.  There were some TV shows with Bulgarian musicians and these girls love to dance!

Then they helped themselves to some milk andvone must have been poured more and the fun evening turnrd into a big fight.  They threw milk and then grabbed the Kindle in defiance.  Then threw it down when I told her she had to love her sister and not punch her.

This was at bedtime and I was exhausted since uo at 3:00.  I was ready to ban them to their rooms and go to my room with my smartphone and let them cry it out.  But the other voice that said "feed my sheep" nudged me otherwise. I stroked their hair and one pulled out some cards from drawer (that they grabbed on first day...  I didn't give to any child specifically)  and I thought why not...  let's play Old Maid in bed.  They had never played.   They were so cute matching the cards they had 2 of.  They are animals and they were giving the Bulgarian names. 

Ok, stroke hair.  Rub backs and pray again.  Time for bed now.  I've been a fun and flexible.  kiss.  Bye bye.  time for sleep.  Wrong.  The little girls run to my bed.  if I thought I could sleep I'd allow it.  But also want to establish good habits for everyone's wellfare.  "No, Ellie and Bobbie sleep in your room" Break down again.   They did this last night but tonight it was taking it further,  now that they're feeling more secure.   Bobbie tells me Ellie cry.  I actually said "I don't care."  I knew it was manipulation but I also onow they have physical and emotional needs and need healing.  And I do too.  But we will find a way to give these girls what they need.

(While writing this  Ellie came into snuggle with me and got to hold her tight.  Then Bobbie came in.  Got Ellie a glass of water and then she found the Kindle. ..  fight.  Stomp on ground and I put Kindle away.)

Chris at this time is at airport in Houston waiting for flight.   I give him a call.  I've prepared him for what's about to come but I know it all has good ending and we'll have a great time.

Tomorrow is Monday (actually its Monday now here )  and we gave appointment at US Embassy and will see doctor.

Oh these girls take 2 baths a day and want to wash their hair everytime.  Note to self...  hide products that I don't thoroughly drained in 1 bath time

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 3: more hugs, I love you's, and meltdowns

Wardrobe issues again today.  Ellie really likes these striped summer type leggings I brought.  They are pretty thin, not really warm enough.  Fashion is what matters.  They feel comfortable saying "no" to my face and the shake their finger at my as if scolding me, but they're not, just communicating with their hands, "no."

Ok, I didn't push the gloves and hats because the sun was out but I should have brought them because their little hands froze.  However my mistake taught them to bring them (they did make a point to grab them later in PM when we went out.)

Went to same park again.  Girls like to run away from Anton.  Scares me because they may not realize they're running in street.   Went to Starbucks again.  Girls start talking to this young student beside us.  She is junior in high school working on some map work homework.   Girls had a fight right there about an object one possessed and the other did not.  This young girl was so helpful in talking to them and calming them

Had dinner tonight with lovely couple that works with orphans.   They were helpful in explaining that in orphanages, kids are very much out for themselves and mean to each other but they were also very encouraging about our girls. 

Tonight girls whined for me to sleep with them (threw themselves on the ground again).  At first I thought this is them wanting their own way and just tired (and probably true).  But I realized how much they need physical touch and closeness and so I layed down with them and stroked their hair until they went to sleep. 

Anton is very exhausted.   Has a cold sore.  He's having fun but he's inbetween being a crazy kid and seeking to be in that more responsible big brother role.  He's sensitive when I correct him, he had a breakdown when scolded for lack of self control.  I told him he was acting foolishly (and was hurting himself and girls because he was not thinking).  He said I called him a "fool" which I did not but he was being hard on himself more than I was.  Poor thing.  He fell asleep at dinner.   Begged to go to bed as soon as we got back to apt.

I feel very positive about the future and how these girls will grow in God's grace.  We prayed tonight and they prayed to God in Bulgarian.  We look forward in joining the Ullriches at church tomorrow assuming everyone is healthy.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 2: meltdowns, park, pizza and sweet friends to the rescue

I woke with 2 sweet faces giving me hugs saying, "I love you"  they are so happy.  But then trouble followed after breakfast.  We were getting ready for the park and they had a few meltdowns and fights.  Fists were flying,  tears, they tried to explain to me in Bulgarian.   All I could do was sing the Barney song I've been teaching them, "I love you."  I feel pretty inadequate.   I calledd our social worker and explained their reluctance to wear gloves and hats (they didn't think it was was fashionable.   She spoke to them on the phone and they said they would put on the gloves and hat.  But then they changed their minds.  I tried everything on the positive side but when  I got angry they were afraid to lose my affection and so the quickly discussed together and decided to comply.   I really don't want them to be afraid like that but we had to get out of the apartment for food as well as exercise.

So at the park, a few power struggles with Anton.  They didn't want to hold hands and be tethered.  

We had a break at Starbucks and the were very obedient. 

Then the wonderful and always gracious Ullriches showed up.  They found a pizza place with kids play area.  It was at bottom of big bldg in picture below.  Nice and warm place.  Then we had a few more fights and tears.  Scot and Robin were able to communicate with them.  And Scot prayed for the meal in Bulgarian.   They are just like all of us..  we're grateful then we're not.  But they're really still sweet girls all in all.

Gotcha day!

Thanksgiving Day.  We are so thankful.   Picked up our sweet and precocious girls. 

They are taking a bath now so I have a few seconds. 

Got passports started.   that is all we can do before the weekend.

They try to speak in Bulgarian to me.  I think they want me to find their favorite show on TV snd other things.  I just have to keep saying "I don't speak Bulgarian."  I have a translator app on my phone that helps a little.  

They are so happy.  They love the apartment.   They have been going through things and stowing things in their room (even things that aren't theirs :).  Bobbie found some nail polish, shut the door, and started polishing her nails (oh my).  But they really do want to please and have good manners overall.   I'm trying to get Anton to be more calming to them but he us just to excited. 

I'm not getting stressed out by the language situation.   I think that is God working to keep me even keeled thus far.

They call me "Mader"  mu-da. Screechy sound.  I told them to call me "mama"  Its pretty humorous.   I think one has to keep a sense of humor.

They started learning how to use the Kindle.  Bobbie is going to be good at computers because she'll try every button.  They are also going through DVDs and keep sampling.   It is like Christmas.   Now they're watching The Grinch (they're out of tub).  Better go.  Anton needs a towel.

"Mamo"  she just said.  she wants cookies.  I'm saying yes to everything practically except loud volume.

Ok. Bye.

Couldn't post above because Internet in apt not working.   At Starbucks now.   Had a few meltdowns.   But not a surprise.   I knew there would be tough moments.  Stil calling me "Mamo" 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In our cozy apartment in Sofia

The place is perfect!   Was able to get groceries using BG currency.   Apt. is nice central location downtown.  Our agency really wants to make sure we're happy. Just winding down now. 

In Munich about to board to Sofia

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We're on our way

We made it to airpirt.  On our way to Newark NJ.  flight leaves at 11.  Then to Munich.  Then Sofia.  Get our girls Thanksgiving Day.  Chris is taking us as far as he could go today and will join us in a few days.

So much to be thankful for.  

Had to check my carry on.  I thought I bought the right size .  $100 fee.  Pooh.  Oh well.   deep breath.   De stress

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A lot of folks love our girls

Some dear friends that I've known a long time had a shower/tea for me.  My friend who hosted it suggested I set up a registry.  This is a great idea, if I had time.   It was during the prep time for the garage sale, I could not think of a registry, in the midst of getting rid of stuff and room changes.   Generous folks were bringing things by for the garage sale and throwing in things particularly for the girls, the plan was to do inventory of outstanding needs after the garage sale (just before we travel almost).  But it turned out wonderful!  The Lord doesn't need me like I thought.  ha ha.  He has provided through such sweet friends that already love our girls.

But they have the greatest gifts in the world, they have a sovereign God, friends already outside our family who want to love them (as you can see).   They have a brother who is so excited he just jumps up and down.  and parents who are not quite as energetic as that, but ready to love them.  

We may not live in a castle, but they will be very rich.   My friends did an excellent job without a registry.  I don't think I could be more pleased.  I need to mention that one precious lady, just lost her son to cancer just a week or so prior.  She donated the cabbage patch dolls, and bag of things to go with them, that her girls used.  and was delighted to do it.  This was a precious gift because she has so many fond memories of her girls growing up with them.  But several ladies got together and showered me with all these things.  One of the things our girls asked for (and I was glad they felt free to do so) was a baby and stroller.  So many other things were given, to many to mention.  Let's just say we got showered with many blessings.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Room is ready!

It took a lot to get to this point but room is done.  This is one of the hardest things I think I've ever done, or ranks in the top 3. So, today I'm feeling a big sigh of relief.  This has been a consuming project that a lot of other pursuits on hold.  Today is a good day for me.   Here is what has had to take place over the past 2 1/2 months.

First we had to move Chris' study into our bedroom.  That was a huge deal, had to get new furniture to make it work.  Chris, being a former pastor and still loves to study the Bible, has a ton of books  And we had to build this new furniture.  (got IKEA).  So, if we're going to do all that, might as well paint our bedroom walls since they haven't been painted in over 12 years (and that took a while to make a decision on the right color).  I'm glad I did paint, but it was more work than I thought it would be, I painted it all myself.  I was worn out at that point.

Meanwhile, we get offsite storage, start putting stuff there that we want to sell.  And as I started to get closer to the garage sale, I began to move more things there that we want to keep in storage from the study because we can't sell and don't know where to put it.

Then we had big garage sale to sell all our used furniture, some we just gave away because we had it so long.  At the garage sale, we accepted donations from other families of their things to sell.  People were so generous.  So many people gave and we were able to raise a lot of money to help pay for the home changes we did.   But we had a lot of "stuff" at our house.  A lot of stuff.   Really, a lot of stuff.

Then, what to do with the leftover stuff, that took a week of trying to figure out and our house is a total wreck, but I begin to slowly get the girl's room done.  This time, paid for a painter  (smart!!).  But I had to paint the bunk beds white, of course.  Why not?  Let's do it the way we want it.  and I'm starting to feel stronger anyway from all this.

And then we get one more piece of IKEA furniture.  Chris builds it for me.   OK, wash the linens.  (I think putting sheets on a bunk bed is almost equivalent to a pilates class.)

But it's done!!  And guess what, I'm almost packed.  And the house is clean.  I'm a happy momma today.

Some of this, I know I brought it upon myself wanting thins "just so."  but I can say now, I'm glad it's all done the best way I possibly could do it.  I hope our girls feel loved.  And I think Chris is happy with his new study.  I like having his study in our bedroom, actually.

Chris says they should feel like princesses with their new room.

You can see many of the generous gifts from so many people.  I just realized I forgot to post about the shower some dear friends had for me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tickets bought!

Check that off list.  Got great fares through agency in Kentucky called Adoption Airfare.  1 way tickets are normally 3 timed more expensive than round trip but not for us.   God has truly prepared the way before us.

Getting ready for huge garage sale this weekend.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Travel date!

We should be there around Thanksgiving (end of November).  Chris will have to join us later.  So excited to bring my girls home!!

so excited, lots of work to do.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Still no travel date..

We are still waiting for a travel date.  We had to turn one option down because it conflicted with Chris' work schedule.  Even though it is hard to say "no" to a travel date and we're so ready to bring these girls home, we are only hoping for a few week's delay, perhaps a December 6 travel date.  Waiting to hear if that is acceptable.  

We also found out that we have to increase our stay in Bulgaria by a few more days for a TB test.  This is something the U.S. Embassy is requiring but no reason for concern.

It is hard to believe these girls are ours, and yet we're so far away.  Hoping to hear soon.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Learning about classical Rome

Typical day in school, in our Spider Man jammies, continuing in learning about Classical Roman period.  We made a wax tablet that children would use to write on.  Our is made out of play-doh.  We learned about different types of people in Rome.  Patricians, Plebeians, and Slaves  :(

18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids | Challies Dot Com

18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Kids | Challies Dot Com:

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

They are ours!!

We just got official word that the court granted us custody of our girls!!    Bobbie and Ellie are ours!!  We can't wait to bring them home.  No travel date assigned yet.  But we think it will be in early December.

Monday, September 30, 2013

We have a court date!

October 15th.

Our documents have been reviewed and they didn't ask for anything additional than what we've already provided our agency.  Yay.

We won't get a travel date until we pass through court (we will not be there at court).  But we expect a travel date early December.  I'm already checking flights.  Exciting day!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Approved through Lifesong

We now have a fundraising account and we're approved for a matching grant through Lifesong and Legacy685.  Yay.  Jehovah Jireh!  (The Lord is our Provider)

I'll explain more later how this works.  I have to go through some information.  But had to post this great news.

Friday, August 9, 2013

a little update... no big whoop.

I forgot to post a couple of weeks ago...  our SW sent me an email letting me know that our authenticated documents were sent to Bulgaria.  So, we're waiting on court date.  I think it will take a little bit to get everything translated, but we shall see.  Still anticipate a November travel date but we can't have an exact date until the court approves the adoption.

We made a trip last week to Kansas.  Chris' mom has Parkinson's disease.  I wish we could see her more.  It was a long overdue visit.  It was also a nice travel time for us in the new van.  We stopped in Oklahoma City on the way up (left my watch in hotel...bummer tunes!), then we stopped in Ft. Worth on the way back.  In the past we've have driven straight through, but it is so much more enjoyable to stop for the night.  I think we'll do that from now on.  

I always have to crochet on a road trip.
Chris' mom, Florence, and Spider Man.

We found an In and Out Burger in Ft. Worth.
One of our favorite hamburger places from when we lived in CA

Now we're home and Anton and I are doing our new school:  K12.  I really like it so far. It is tops in curriculum choices and it really helps you teach like an expert teacher (spoon feeds).  The drawback is it can take a long time because it is so thorough but I think the more I do it, the more I can customize it and cut out some of the elements that Anton has already mastered.  I'm already thinking of the girls and I know they'll want to do something similar.  I actually think I can get the girls to catch up to Anton and then I might be able to have a little classroom of kids that are at the same level on many subjects, except for Language Arts, of course. but I think this will be fun.  

a little extra project we did on learning about
"continents" from our K12 History
I also joined an adoption fellowship group called Legacy685.  We're having a pool party tonight.  Looking forward to that.

We're baby steppin' on the house.  I'm dreading a garage sale with this Texas heat.  I think that will have to wait until it gets cooler.  Chris is working on clearing some things out of garage.  We've made several trips to IKEA and have some ideas brewing.  Baby steps.  God has His perfect timing.