Jane Austin Template

"You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You." ~Augustine

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 4: Rainy Sunday with a sick girl. :(

I wake up every AM at 3 AM.  Bobbie came into room in tears.  She said she wasn't feeling good.  Then she ran to the bathroom and threw up.  She did this 3 more times.  We were going to join Ullriches at their church but God had different plans for us. 

Later on she felt better. We went out for pizza (the plan was for Bobbie to just eat white bread. But she wanted pizza and I thought it was OK).

Later on they showed me their Bulgarian dances.  There were some TV shows with Bulgarian musicians and these girls love to dance!

Then they helped themselves to some milk andvone must have been poured more and the fun evening turnrd into a big fight.  They threw milk and then grabbed the Kindle in defiance.  Then threw it down when I told her she had to love her sister and not punch her.

This was at bedtime and I was exhausted since uo at 3:00.  I was ready to ban them to their rooms and go to my room with my smartphone and let them cry it out.  But the other voice that said "feed my sheep" nudged me otherwise. I stroked their hair and one pulled out some cards from drawer (that they grabbed on first day...  I didn't give to any child specifically)  and I thought why not...  let's play Old Maid in bed.  They had never played.   They were so cute matching the cards they had 2 of.  They are animals and they were giving the Bulgarian names. 

Ok, stroke hair.  Rub backs and pray again.  Time for bed now.  I've been a fun and flexible.  kiss.  Bye bye.  time for sleep.  Wrong.  The little girls run to my bed.  if I thought I could sleep I'd allow it.  But also want to establish good habits for everyone's wellfare.  "No, Ellie and Bobbie sleep in your room" Break down again.   They did this last night but tonight it was taking it further,  now that they're feeling more secure.   Bobbie tells me Ellie cry.  I actually said "I don't care."  I knew it was manipulation but I also onow they have physical and emotional needs and need healing.  And I do too.  But we will find a way to give these girls what they need.

(While writing this  Ellie came into snuggle with me and got to hold her tight.  Then Bobbie came in.  Got Ellie a glass of water and then she found the Kindle. ..  fight.  Stomp on ground and I put Kindle away.)

Chris at this time is at airport in Houston waiting for flight.   I give him a call.  I've prepared him for what's about to come but I know it all has good ending and we'll have a great time.

Tomorrow is Monday (actually its Monday now here )  and we gave appointment at US Embassy and will see doctor.

Oh these girls take 2 baths a day and want to wash their hair everytime.  Note to self...  hide products that I don't thoroughly drained in 1 bath time

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